A tear rolled down my scruffy cheek, near noon that blessed day.
As I understood the truths I’d seek, when I knelt in loneliness and began to pray:
“Dear Lord, thou hast said unto me that thine field outside wast white,
And I would harvest plentifully, if I’d thrust with my soul and might.
But, Lord on the first day, as I journeyed forth to reap,
I entered into thy field to work, yet found my flesh too weak.
The evening passed and day two arrived, I went out to the task,
I worked with all my might and tried to be first, but was very last.
On the third day, I arose anxious for the fight!
I went quickly, unprepared and by myself, still no harvest came with night.
Day four, determined still, to work and follow thy plan.
I worked all day and all night, harvesting none, I was the lone man.
With courage strong, I saw day five, having plenty of faith in me,
But again at the setting sun, there was no harvest—solitary.
As day six began, I worried, for I knew my time drew nigh.
I worked with all my heart; still empty handed, I went home and cried.
On day seven, now I rest, and pray on bended knee,
Lord I thought I would make a difference here, but nobody will follow me!
With tools at my side I worked, harder than any man.
Yet after six days, I have nothing. Lord, I don’t understand.”
With paitience, mercy, kindness, love His Spirit filled my head.
He had heard my despairing cry, and this is what He said:
“Thou good and faithful servant, hear me now my son.
Thou hast still so much to do, thou hast hardly begun.
Go again into mine field, yet, this time have faith in me.
Believe in your heart, thrust with your might, look and you shall see.
‘Tis true the field is great, it covers every single land.
But work, sow, and glean some more, for this is mine plan.
Fear not my son, but go forth and serve your fellow man.
Find, teach, exhort, have charity. Bring them unto Jehovah—Him I Am.”
Oh, the joy that filled my heart with the answer I felt that day.
Now I understand his will, and harvest I may.
I will go according to His plan and work for every seed.
In His strength shall I find mine, and in Ours we shall succeed.
To work in His field ‘tis such a noble goal,
Going forth always remembering, the worth of every soul.
---Brad L Holt, 1994
Amazing Brad. Thank you so much for sharing. I really love and respect you, I hope you know that!