Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mysteries of the Gospel

While reading in Alma this morning, I again realized the relationship between the temple and the scriptures. A person must access both regularly in order to truly understand the gospel and the mysteries contained therein.
I read where Amulek shared his testimony of our need for the Atonement and our reliance on a Redeemer and Savior. After listening to this testimony, Zeezrom turned to Alma and began to inquire about the resurrection of the dead and other related matters. In response, Alma answered, “It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him. And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full. And they that will harden their hearts, to them is given the lesser portion of the word until they know nothing concerning his mysteries; and then they are taken captive by the devil, and led by his will down to destruction."
I have read this conversation scores of times, but today, I saw and understood more how scripture and the teachings contained in the temple, when paired, amplify my appreciation of the Plan of Salvation and my role within it.
Alma, after testifying of the possibility of comprehending God’s mysteries, then taught about our first parents, Adam and Eve. He reviewed how they had been cast out of the Garden and lived in a fallen state because they had partaken of the forbidden fruit and violated God’s first set of commandments. To prevent them from remaining forever in their fallen state, which would have happened if Adam and Eve ate fruit from the Tree of Life, God placed Cherubim and a flaming sword before the tree in prevention. As a result, Adam and Eve lived in the world we see now and needed to learn gospel mysteries in order to return back to the presence of God.
The thing that Alma said after this, which caught my eye was, “Therefore [God] sent angels to converse with them.” And followed that with, “God did call on men, in the name of his Son, saying: If ye will repent, and harden not your hearts, then will I have mercy upon you, through mine Only Begotten Son.”
These very teachings are made explicit in the temple.
I then began to think about “mysteries” and wondered what other enlightenment I have enjoyed as I have tried to be diligent in studying the scriptures and attending the temple.
The first thought that came to mind was this teaching from Brigham Young, ““Your endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the House of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life, to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels who stand as sentinels, … and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell.” (Journal of Discourses, 2:31.)
I have previously speculated how angels would stand as sentinels, or guards, on judgment day. I have wondered if they would stand before the gates of heaven and not let me in unless I knew what to say or how to act—much like any security operations we see in public or government settings.
However, because I have studied much and have strived to be in the temple often, I now know exactly WHO these angels are, by name, and exactly HOW to act when the time comes for me to stand before them.
I have also understood many great mysteries of the creation. Because of this, I am not confused by science or philosophy. In addition, I have great appreciation for all things created; I honor the Creator, and recognize how all things created relate one to another.
Another mystery I appreciate is the time of resurrection and judgment. Because I know of things to come, I am able to more carefully weigh priorities today. I understand how my works, God’s grace and mercy contribute to my eternal destiny.
Another mystery I appreciate is the Godhead. Because I have a fuller perspective, I appreciate more of the Plan of Salvation and heaven’s love for me than ever before.
There are hundreds of mysteries to be made known—mostly for the individual and not for collective discussion. As Alma says about those who learn of different gospel mysteries, “they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.”
There is so much more I want to say. But let me share my testimony like Alma and Amulek did, “Therefore, whosoever repenteth, and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest...seeing we know these things, and they are true, let us repent, and harden not our hearts, that we provoke not the Lord our God to pull down his wrath upon us in these his second commandments which he has given unto us; but let us enter into the rest of God, which is prepared according to his word.”

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